Through my travels of being a coffee rep, one of my luxuries is that I get to ride various places, and have hit a number of new rides this season. But I have found a few that are so good, I keep tagging the same ride over and over. Carbondale has been pushing in serveral new trails, all just south of town in the shadow of Mt Sopris. Trails like Monte Carlo (has a hub cap as a trail head sign), XMas Tree zig zag the contours of the base of the hillsides, clamoring to the top. If you are ever in the Aspen valley - it is very worthy.
Coffee biz is buzzing...ha ha. It seems people pallet for a good cup of Joe never fades. We just installed a new Franke Evolution in our tasting room, very nice. It is a good thing I live two hours away...
Cranking up the intensity for 'cross season, which brings me back to Carbondale, I look forward to a nice cool autumn day on these trails aboard my new IF 'cross rig.