We usually made a migratory trip to Cali each spring for the Sea Otter, which was always a good time. We would make a 'compact' vacation out of it, usually spending time around the Bay area, doing some riding there, then on to Santa Cruz, once again some riding and watching surfers. There is a great State Park on the beach there, with some good riding just around the corner in Aptos. Then it was on to Monterey and Laguna Seca for some racing and riding.
Last couple of years Cali has an even earlier kick-off to the cycling season, TdC. It is great to see such an event on TV w/ the beautiful back drop that is California, however there is an inevitable dark cloud creeping in... No, not the smog from the big cities, but the proverbial cloud of doping & scandal. La-la-land has kept this cloud at bay for the first few years with only a hint of scandal during last year's edition w/ Basso, but this year, MBall & Co. (aka Rock Racing) are going to make sure they are not out done by anyone. Already 3 of his 8 (8 Ball, get it?) are out w/ their OP ties. And while I was a Cippo fan back in the day, what the hell??? It's a circus meets car crash. Cycling media and websites look more like tabloids in the check out isle these days...
First Edition Cycling News - Rock Racing - and Cipo - ready to roll in Cali after all...
Cycling News Extra - Tour of California holds firm against Puerto-implicated riders as Rock Racing considers options...
Cycling News Flash - Rock Racing announces Tour of California roster, including riders rejected by race organiser...
The VeloNews website was balled up when I went to post this, but it has been just as bad as any other with RR leading many headlines.

The kickoff for cycling in the US deserves so much more, the sport deserves so much more. TdC bound by its sponsoring agreement w/ RR has to let them start, but I say dump them. It is a distraction to what should be a jubilous occasion. I believe in second chances and all, but what RR is doing to the sport is a cross between the East vs. West Coast Rap Wars and the ongoing Baseball Congressional Hearings.
Enjoy the pictures of California as the beauty of the peloton roll over the green, waving hills and coastal highways, savor the spectacle that is cycling, and block out the bullshit that is Rock Racing.
Have fun! I think we're going to try to get back for SS World's in Napa (yes, I got in).
Ken, ran into your blog. I also single speed, use to be on IF factory team in the 90's and use to live in Crested Butte as well. I wonder if our paths have crossed.
Forrest, thanks for the shout out, we lived in the CB/ Gunni area from 98-07, and I came to single speeding in 2000, and joined IF in 2004. Are you still out in CO? Still have an IF?
I still have an IF, but its geared. I am thinking of converting it to single speed,I currently have a voodoo single speed. I lived in CO from 94-97 but moved away from CB to shred Utah. I have a blog if interested.
my racing days are pretty much done, but I still show up to race cross or the occasional mtb race on a single speed. Nothing serious anymore, just for fun and to keep the gut small.
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